Lobsang stairlift was selected to be the outstanding auxiliary equipment in four consecutive years (2014-2017) among 92 manufacturers and products by the Bureau of Standard.


Liu, Ming-zhong, the director of Bureau of Standard., stated that, aging society has become the main society issue and has attracted the whole world's attention and concern. With the population structures in different countries are continuing aging, relevant health products and care products business for the elderly would be prosperous. Furthermore, the health caring would definitely become the most potential industry in the 21st century. Therefore, our government should integrate the research energy of metal center, bicycle center, Institute for Information Industry, Electronics Testing Center, Corporate Synergy Development Center and the Research Center on International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and Assistive Technology. Establish related industrial Standards, inspection and verification systems to promote the development of domestic auxiliary equipment industry. Furthermore, organize competitions and activities to promote domestic auxiliary equipment, general design principles and product safety regulations. Encourage companies to pay special attention to different demands of the elderly and the physically-challenged and improve the friendliness of products

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