For the soon to come 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the IAAF has announced the relevant rules and standards. However, the number of track and field athletes will be limited to 1900. To qualify, two different measures are in place. Participants can either meet certain standards (men must finish within 2 hours 11 minutes and 30 seconds and women 2 hours 29 minutes and 30 seconds) or achieve certain world ranking (the average of the best scores from 2019 international competitions). Each method will be used to determine 50% of the qualifying athletes. This has resulted in the highest threshold ever, for many track and field events. Please join Lobsang in cheering for our three athletes (Xie Qianhe, Cao Chunyu and You Yajun) as we wish them the best of luck in qualifying for the Tokyo Olympics.(Xie QianheCao Chunyu and You Yajun


 Athlete Profiles 


● Xie Qianhe - The Phoenix

Tough and relentless, Xie Qianhe has undergone numerous surgeries in her career. “The Phoenix" nickname comes from her unwavering determination: I can get past anything!


Xie Qianhe (Video Source: Running Biji)


● Cao Chunyu – The Marathon Baby

Despite the facing the difficulties, she embraces challenges without fear. Silently and discreet, Cao Chunyu constantly seeks to break new boundaries.

Cao Chunyu (Video Source: Running Biji)



● You Yajun – The Moon Goddess

From early on, she was determined to seek pursue a lifelong running career and began focusing on her athletic development. Despite tough training, numerous injuries and hardships that she has been through, You Yajun continues to train hard under her coach’s instructions. For a committed athlete like herself, “Running is Living!”

You Yajun (Video Source: Running Biji)







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  • 活動主題 - 2020 前進東京我挺你
  • 謝千鶴 - 不死鳥|撐住,就是你的。
    曹純玉 - 馬拉松寶貝|挑戰!自己!
    游雅君 - 玉兔|我的生活,跑步。
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謝千鶴、曹純玉、游雅君,三位選手的親筆簽名帽 共九頂,獎項採隨機贈送。







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